What an incredible day, full of mixed emotions.
Sadness to be leaving a lot of wonderful friends who have made the past few years in Cambridge such fun, and who have endured my endless excuses at never being able to make it to social occasions due to my prior engagements with the gym and the ocean.
Jubilation at having proved a few people wrong (myself included!) that it is possible to combine a Cambridge degree with Olympic sailing. I am leaving as a member of the British Sailing Team, with a Cambridge First and the prize for the best geology dissertation in the year, having never missed any sort of work deadline because of sailing, which I am very proud of!
But the main emotion is excitement, to now be able to concentrate on one aspect of my life and not have to juggle two pretty major projects. I can’t wait to see what I can achieve with all my efforts focused on sailing.
Hannah, the Cambridge student, signing off. Officially educated innit. Next adventure. More boats, fewer books! Stay tuned 🙂